Team Manager Code of Conduct
FA Charter Standard Club affiliated to Liverpool County FA
Beginning of every season, please ensure
- You complete & sign your Managers – Volunteers Form, only after you have read all the Club Constitution, Rules & Policy documents as you are signing to agree that you abide & uphold all regulations contained therein.
- You have completed all the required courses and hold all the relevant credentials you need to manage a team within Penlake Juniors FC, these being but not limited to
- DBS Disclosure Certificate
- Level 1 FA Coaching Badge
- Safeguarding Children Certificate
- Emergency Aid Certificate
- All relevant Club & League forms are all completed for your team and submitted well before the published deadlines such that your team and all players are registered accordingly with their respective Leagues.
- When you are committing to running a team at Penlake Juniors FC, you are also committing to supporting the Club in all activities the Club needs to undertake to continue the provision of football. This includes but is not limited to:
- Attending Monthly Team Meetings (or providing a team representative) bringing any subs not collected via the club’s payment system and also to collect your Referees Fees as required
- Ensuring all Club facilities (Containers, Changing Rooms, Pitches, etc) are kept clean & tidy after every game
- Helping to raise Club funds via Sponsorship or other fund-raising activities.
- Supporting the annual Rylands FC presentation weekend which takes place during the summer months in any capacity deemed required by the organisers
- Support Rylands FC in a positive manner at all times when representing the Club publicly or on Social Media including monitoring of your team on social media.
- You complete an annual kit & equipment review (Team strip, cones, bibs, First Aid kits, etc).
- Winter and summer training will be booked by the Committee as soon as is appropriate and each age group will train together.
- Ensure all players are aware it is their responsibility to look after their kit & training equipment. All kit & equipment must be used only for the purpose for which it was designed for. If any Club equipment is damaged during normal use either by accident or by usual wear or tear, then the Club will replace these items. If any Club equipment is damaged or lost by any other means, then it is the responsibility of the person who damaged or lost the said equipment. In the event that the person is under 18, it is the responsibility of his or her parent to replace the said equipment. Any non-Club equipment used by the team becomes the responsibility of the Team Manager.
Before each game, please ensure:
- Contact has been made between the opposing managers & the match referee five days before kick off (Monday evening latest for Saturday games, Tuesday evening for Sunday games, deadlines for midweek matches will be dependant on which night you play the match).
- If it’s your teams’ home game, you are responsible for contacting the away team manager and referee. Please advise the away team manager of any safety information and car parking restrictions.
- Print off the respective Match Card for the game from This must be presented along with your Player ID Cards on match day for signing by both managers and the referee. Also, remember to have your Referee fees for the match, usually half the total fee for Junior Teams or as your League requires.
- Most games will be played in tandem with another Rylands teams on match days, confirm with the corresponding team manager who is responsible for setting up the pitch & who is clearing the equipment away at the end of the day’s matches.
- All parents are aware of the kick-off time, Location and any safety information required.
On Match day, please ensure:
- You arrive in good time for your match.
- All pitches are safe for use and roped off from corner flag to corner flag, at least 2 metres back from each touch line on each side.
- Only one team official and up to 2 assistants can stand on the pitchside of the roped off area. All players must stay behind the rope until they are called forward as a substitute.
- All relevant documentation is ready and Player ID cards are ready for inspection.
- That if anyone wants to take photographs, you must seek permission from both sets of managers and parents and or the club.
- You observe and know all spectators who are attending the match. If you see someone watching who you do not know, please approach them and ask their intentions. If you feel anyone are acting suspiciously, please contact the Club Child Welfare Officer or the Police immediately.
- Enforce the FA respect Agenda at all times.
After each game, please ensure:
- All equipment is put back from whence it came in a neat & tidy manner if you are the last team to play on that pitch.
- All results are entered onto your League System by 6pm on the day of match, also confirming the name of the Referee of the match. Along with the scores the following marks must also be entered:
- That if you cannot enter the results yourself, you call or text the Club Secretary with the details so that they can enter the details on your behalf.
- All completed Match Cards are kept & filed so they can be made available as per request by either Club or League. As per local league rules.
Club Finances
- Every Player must pay via the Matchday Payment system as instructed by the Club unless another payment method is agreed by the club treasurer.
- Managers must chase parents who have missed payments immediately after being informed by the treasurer of any account in arrears.
- Players will be suspended if after 2 months in arrears.
- Escalate any issues immediately to the committee to resolve with a parent if required.
- Referee costs must be claimed at the monthly meeting by completing the referee fees claim form.
- Any fines from a team must be paid by the player or manager. Where there is a dispute or unavoidable situation Managers are expected to meet with the committee to justify as such.
Remember you are representing the club at all times.
Managers Representatives
Manager Representatives are your direct contact for any issues relating to Club Matters please ensure that they are fully informed with any issues. They will be your direct contact for Day to day operations.
This of course excludes welfare issues that should be escalated to the Welfare officer directly.